a group show curated by Zentrum für Netzkunst hosted by

17 June – 04 July 2020 | Wed. – Sat. 15:00 ~ 19:00 | VERNISSAGE Saturday, 13th of June 2020 from 16:00 ~ 22:00

Zentrum für Netzkunst


About the exhibition assembles stickers and sticker-sets that were produced by 19 different artists and collectives during an online artist-in-residency-program on the messenger app telegram. The sets can be collected online on telegram or offline in a scrapbook at

Curated by Zentrum für Netzkunst (Tereza Havlíková, Paloma Oliveira, Anneliese Ostertag, Tabea Rossol, Sakrowski)


| Nadja Buttendorf | Sjonnie Barbarossa | Emma Damiani | Nieves de la Fuente | Carla Gannis | Emilie Gervais | Max Grau | Franziska von Guten | Joan Heemskerk | Thiago Hersan | IOCOSE | Merz Akademie Stuttgart | Rosa Menkman | Lorna Mills | Marie Luise Möller | New Media Class Kunsthochschule Kassel | Miyö Van Stenis | igor štromajer | Barbora Trnkova [ &] Tomas Javurek |