e-Games – die Kunst des ernsten Spiels – #3
Artists Presentation by Rites Network (HUF)
Screening: FRAG (2008) by Mike Pasley

About the event
Mit der Einführung des Computerspiels entwickelte sich eine eigene Kultur des elektronischen Spiels. Die Veranstaltungsreihe will Arbeiten von in Berlin lebenden Künstler*innen vorstellen, die sich kritisch mit den Computerspielen und ihren sozial-politischen Wirkungen auseinandersetzen. Parallel widmet sich das Filmprogramm in einer Reihe von Dokumentar- und Kunstfilmen dem E-Sport, der als Spezialfall des Spiels als Spiegel und Exerzierfeld der digitalen Netzwerkgesellschaft betrachtet wird.
The invention of video games created a new form of gaming culture. In the series "eGames", which runs from April to August, panke.gallery presents works from Berlin-based artists who use video games and related genres as a medium for art and critical reflection. Monthly artist presentations are accompanied by artist films and documentaries that relate to games, sport, technology, art, and eSport, considered as mirror and parade ground of digital networked society.
Jessica Palmer is a Canadian artist living in Berlin, currently working with game engines and performance software, brain computer interfaces, and virtual reality to create impossible collective experiences.
Merle Leufgen is an artist deploying highjacked commercial software. Her current work examines non-human intelligence, emergent ecologies and the concept of “ending” in times of steady data streams⛓.
Brody Condon uses game development tools, online games, sculpture, live performers and found footage as performance surrogates, blurring the boundary between fantasy and reality. For Condon’s project gallery Modifications, he re-imagines late medieval religious paintings into self-running games that simultaneously imply and deny interaction, and uses sculpture and video to explore the “projection of self” into other realities.
FRAG (2008) by Mike Pasley Below the surface of a simple game is an underbelly of corruption, money, partying, drugs, and even death.
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